Page 12

I was wondering what he was carrying around in that pouch. Personally, I’d have sour patch kids in there.

7 thoughts on “Page 12

  1. Someone tell me where is your merch store and where can I find it because I need one of those pins if you have them

    1. Merch store is down right now, but that button he has is just for August. Hand drawn!

  2. benedict is an expert in getting under people’s skin

    actually really if he and Johnny teamed up, they’d be unstoppable.

    1. That’s a scary thought!

      Benedict sure makes it look easy too.

  3. I could maybe make my own Benedict pin it will be hard though

  4. I’m dying- it’s just such a good joke!

  5. I LOVE this page, Benedict is pushing all the RIGHT buttons today

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