Page 11

Kind of a weird Johnny mix of Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah and Singin' in the Rain. I've been waiting for this part in the comic for a while. Yays. In other news, you'll probably notice from the sidebar over there that I'm NOT going to NYCC this year. I couldn't get a table. However, I'll be attending MangaNEXT Halloween weekend! Should be fun times! I'm looking forward to it!

19 thoughts on “Page 11

  1. Could I request a print inspired by this page? I <3 Johnny.

    1. Hrm, that might be doable! I definitely need a Johnny print anyway!

  2. XD It’s like that commercial. Gorgous colors and backround <3

    1. LOL, what commercial?

      And, thanks, I kinda tried with some of the background for this. I feel good because I completed a day time page that I actually liked the colors on.

  3. Yay but is that foreshadowing I see *bum bummm bummmmmmmm*

  4. the butterfly says “I love you Johnny”

    1. Haha, yeah, probably! The butterfly has a smile too. Can’t really see it since I shrink the page down so much for the web, but it’s there.

  5. Aw, I wanted to see you at NYCC, sadness. BUT This page is so pretty, it filled me with the happy! :) Johnny is so adorable. :3

    1. Sorry about that. I really wanted to go to NYCC, but NYCC didn’t want me in their Artist Alley. :/ I may try again next year, I don’t know.

      MangaNEXT is in New Jersey… that’s kinda close. u.u;

      1. D’aww! Well, they’re fools! Fools I tell you!! This is my fave wc ever! :D I’m sure I will stumble upon your table at some con or another.

  6. “good morning to you insect” I lol’d

    1. Yay!

      Johnny sincerely likes every living thing.


    Hey there ominous shadow looming behind Johnny. xD

    1. It only means trouble for Johnny!

  8. xDDDDDD
    Oh lordy, when you said the next page would be happier, you forgot to mention how glorious it would also be.
    I would most definitely paste a giant version of this on my ceiling, just so I can stare at it whenever I’m down.
    JOHNNY YOU MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER~<3<33<~<3333 *fangirls*
    LOL, mysterious shadow is mysterious but I’m too blinded by Johnny’s sparkles, butterflies, and joy to notice.

    1. LOL. This comic has ADD.

  9. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere’s Johnny!

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