Page 1

Fire time is serious time. Also, make sure to also check out an awesome plug the comic got on J. L. Bell's blog, Boston 1775!

18 thoughts on “Page 1

  1. Now that is so adorable I love it for me it’s perfect I want a dog like her. Also That dude is so right and I belive in him!!!

  2. You always get my vote hands down

    1. Aww, shucks. Thanks! :3

      1. Am i the only one who finds her adorable?

        1. Nah, lots of people like Snickerdoodle. She can be cute.

  3. That dog scares me more now than ever before. ;_; he’s right, it’s disturbing.

    1. What aré you talking about she os adorable you minnie >.<

    2. Haha. She’s supposed to be scary.

  4. Wow the tension grows. I can’t wait for the ‘fight’ scene! XD

    Awww, Snickerdoodle! I like how her tongue sticks out. It reminds me of Mr. Winkles: http://shutterbug.com/images/archivesart/0104career12.jpg

    1. Fight scene is coming. I’m totally not stalling, I’m following history… a little, maybe.

      Heh. Mr. Winkles always looks like he’s deceased.

      1. Wow, that /is/ a little creepy…

  5. Disturbing? Oh just a little… Its like a fight breaking out on a playground! xD

    1. Ha, it is like a playground. If Benedict gives someone a wedgie, you have my permission to never read this comic again.

  6. LOL Snickers is trying to be cute to lure the British boys to their deaths! xD

    Brilliant comic, very nice tension your buidling here :D

    Oh gosh, I’m beginning to think I’m the twins only fan.

    1. I feel guilty for the tension. I feel like I’m making everyone wait too long. Two pages a week is hard to keep the pace that I need for this. T.T;

      I think you are the only fan the twins have. Well, I am a fan, naturally. Ugly rock guys?! I’m in!

      1. xD LOL I think the twins are very adorable :] everybody else thinks their arses xD

  7. Snickerdoodle has a twisted sense of what’s “cute”. xD

    1. Sure does. Dog is scary! D:

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